Experimenting with the Berg – 1. Introduction

Submitted by: Jeremy Nelson PT

The purpose of the following series of articles is to provide the interested professional specializing in the study and improvement of human motion, the opportunity to examine each component part of the Berg balance scale. The Berg Balance test, as well as being a widely measure of a persons’ capacity to avoid falling, it also provides a framework for an interesting experiment in plan of care and treatment planning. As a structure for treatment planning as within each component part the sub-component parts in terms of the descriptions of the observations, it also provide a goal for progression of the patient through their treatment plan. Absent in the testing is an explanation of why the persons is having difficulty at one level. This is the role of the clinicians, to observe, examine, evaluate and understand cause and affect relationships. Now the clinician can develop a change effort through treatment planning. How the Berg is used will be a critical factor in how the change effort succeeds.

Often the Berg is used clinically as form of snap shot in time. Like a photo it describes something that happened at a particular moment. Over the course of a plan of care, the test is used at regular intervals to document change over time. The implication is that if progress is being made, it must be the result of the interventions performed. Often the plan of care is not related to the Berg test other than as the snapshot previously described. Where then is the evidence that the interventions are in fact causative? If good things are happening, it would be nice to be explicit about the relationship between the functional change and the interventions rather than remaining implied.

However another approach would be generate the plan of care as a derivative of the functional outcome tools being used. In this way, as change is documented there is a direct relationship between the change observed and the actions taken to cause that change. It would also be valuable to know if the interventions are not effective, resulting in a measurement indicating a lack of change. For the clinician this valuable information and provides real data for the clinical decision making processes that are the hallmark of skilled care.

In order for the Berg components to act as jumping off points into treatment planning, it is helpful to examine each component for the bio mechanical tasks that support functional movement. Each of the Berg balance components is a well-diversified evidence-based functional outcome tool in of itself. As a whole it has acceptable reliability and validity as an assessment tool. It measures what it says it measures, consistently between uses. As a starting point for a change effort it provides a firm foot hold. In the following articles we will explore in what way structures influence which way the treatment goes from there. The approaches suggested are simply that, suggestions and are not recommendations. Each is up to each clinician to choose the interventions that are correct for the patient at that time. Only through the skilled capacities of a clinician can real change be developed to restore and enhance a patients capacity to be involved in a life as they desire.

Click on the link below to download a copy of the Berg Balance Test.

Berg Balance Scale